
Course Objectives 

This course introduces topics include compiler design, lexical analysis, parsing, symbol tables, declaration and storage management, code generation, and optimization techniques.  

Lecture Slides 

Compilers/semester 8/EAU ppt

Course Textbooks

Compiler Construction by K.V.N. Sunitha

Design and implementation of compiler by Singh R., Sharma V., Varshney M

Generating Parsers with JavaCC by Tom Copelan

Assessment and Grading

Course assessment includes  quizzes that will be offered through the course, homework assignments, and two exams - midterm and final. 
The final exam is not cumulative. You final grade has four components: class attendance, assignments, quizzes, midterm exam grade, and final exam grade. 

1.Class attendance 10%
2.Assignments 30% 
3.Midterm Exam 20% 
4. Final exam 40%